This blog is mainly about FREE REIKI ATTUNEMENT. So, in order to understand the major part of the blog content, you SHOULD UNDERSTAND WHAT IS REIKI first. If you want to learn Reiki and get the attunement, this is the place where you can refer to to have FREE REIKI ATTUNEMENT. As you should know, normally the attunement fee charged by Reiki Masters is so expensive. Thus, I've provided the apropriate link where you can get it for FREE. So, this blog is mainly about giving you the information on where you can get FREE REIKI ATTUNEMENT on the web.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Healing Project

Video from "The Healing Project":

"The Healing Project" was started by artist Kit Glaisyer on Jan 1st 2008, as an experiment to combine new media technology with spiritual healing practices. The aim of this project is to give the healing energy for free to online viewer. Here is a video from "The Healing Project".

In order to get maximum benefit from the session, simply sit comfortably and relaxed, and play the video. That's it! This 6 minute session is offered by Paula Renshaw, utilising Reiki Tummo.

Visit: The Healing Project for details


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